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Our Church History

our churchIn the Year of Our Lord, 1905, a few Christian believers met and organized themselves with a song and prayer. Reverend B.C. Colbert served as moderator. Present were brothers: T.W. Tillmon, Mindon Bostic, Sister Bertha Collins, Rufus Collins, and Sister Quillee M. Williams. A few members went and talked to Mr. Thomas Olive about purchasing his land. He agreed to deed the church the land with the stipulation that a church building always remain on the land. In honor of Mr. Olive's request, the church was named "Olive Grove Baptist Church. Those that obtained their letter from the Solid Rock Baptist Church were: T. W. Tillmon, Edmond Daggett, Minton Bostic, Bertha Collins and Rufus Collins.

Reverend A.C. Carter was called as the first pastor. Sister Quillee M. Williams was the first mother of the church and Edmond Daggett was the first deacon. Rev. Carter served for two years as pastor and resigned. The church then called Rev. J. B. Smith to pastor the church. During his administration, more work was done on the church and many souls were saved. Rev. Smith served for 8 years and then resigned.

After much prayer, the Lord sent us Reverend Thomas. The church grew with the help of the Lord. Many came by Christian experience, restoration, and baptism. After a short period of time, Rev. Thomas resigned and we were again without a pastor. There were many ups and downs, but by the Grace of God, we survived the sorrows as well as the joy, because we knew in the midst of it all God would see us through.

Again after much prayer, the Lord sent Reverend S.A. Jennings. Under his leadership, many souls were saved. The pulpit and choir stand were built, pews were purchased, and the Sunday School was organized. Rev. Jennings served for 16 years before resigning.

The church then called Reverend F.H. Hall to pastor. Under Rev. Hall's leadership, brothers David Butler, Jr. and Sam Leverett were ordained as deacons. After 2 years of service, Rev. Hall resigned.

In the Year of Our Lord 1937, Reverend L. Kirkland was called to pastor. Great work was done under his leadership and he proved to the Olive Grove members that he was a great leader. Brothers Joe Leverett and Joe McClattie were ordained as deacons. The interior and exterior of the church were renovated; new pews were purchased; a water cooler was installed; brick steps were added; electrical lights were installed; a choir, Club #1 and Club #2 were organized. Due to failing health, Rev. Kirkland resigned the 3rd Sunday in November of 1959.

The official board met and asked Reverend Henry Ingram to come and conduct our communion services. Rev. Ingram was acting pastor until he was called home on April 19, 1960. Under his leadership, many souls were saved; some came by Christian experience, letters, and restoration. Six brothers were ordained as deacons: Frank Johnson, James Hall, Lindsey Hall, Evan Leverett, Amos Leverett and Ben McClattie. Rev. Ingram started a Youth Revival Program and created a trustee-board. A new water cooler, gas heaters, and windows were installed. New carpet was laid, a brick veneer was added to the church, and new pews were purchased. Club #2 purchased pulpit furniture. The H. Ingram Gospel Chorus was organized and later renamed the Olive Grove Gospel Chorus. A new heating and air condition unit was purchased, the vestibule was added, and the corner stone was laid.

Reverend B.F. Williams was called as acting pastor due to the illness of Rev. Ingram. After Rev. Ingram was called from labor, Rev. Williams was asked to carry on as pastor in recognition of his efforts. Great work was done under his leadership. Brother Robert F. Leverett was ordained into the ministry and Brother Daniel Stephens was added to the Board of Deacons. A new piano was purchased. The Deaconess Board, Willing Workers Club, and the Young People's Choir were organized. Rev. Williams resigned in September 1986, but stayed on as pastor until the 3rd Sunday in October of 1986.

In December 1986, Reverend Robert F. Leverett was called and installed as Pastor. In March 1987, Pastor Leverett came with a mind to work for the Master and to improve God's House and do whatever it takes for the betterment of its members. He ordained two deacons: Brothers Charlie Leverett and Wayne Dunn. Deacon Henry Leverett was ordained to the ministry. His vision to build a new church materialized in March 1990. We evacuated the old building for it to be demolished. The Water Branch Baptist Church family was kind enough to let us worship in their sanctuary until our new church was completed. We expressed sincere gratitude to them for sharing and caring.

In 1990, Pastor Leverett purchased a new organ for the church to enhance the music ministry, He believes church and organ goes together.

In February 1991, we marched into our new sanctuary. Without the help of the Lord and friends, we know we would not be here today.

In 1993 and 1994, the steeple and drapes were added to enhance the church and sanctuary. Several trustees were replaced, and brothers J.C. Hall and Pierce McClattie were installed as deacons. Many were baptized and souls were continuously being saved.

In February 1996, after much prayer and consideration, we adopted casual dressing. I Samuel 16:7 teach that the Lord looks on the heart. The year of 1996 was rewarding with many souls being saved, restoration and many coming by Christian experience. The Lord sent Minister De Wayne Jenkins and his lovely wife, Evangelist Diana Jenkins, to our fellowship and they blessed us with their presence. Also, during this time, our Youth Ministry was very active and grew tremendously. We became actively involved with organizing the 10th District of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia in the Columbia County area. Groundwork was laid for our Mission Outreach Ministry and weekly bible study.

In 1997, the Lord blessed us in many areas. In March, the Sanctuary Choir was organized to sing on 1st Sundays, and to travel with the Pastor. In May, the Youth Choir was organized, and in July, Deacon Frank Johnson donated a van to the church.

In 1999, a new marquee was purchased and installed on the front lawn to beautify the church; additionally, the cemetery was renovated.

In 2000, the Youth Department was organized (The Children's Church). Our musical staff grew rapidly. On June 10th, Brother Stephen Earl McCuller was licensed as Son of the House. He served faithfully, so his toiling would not be in vain, knowing that final day would surely come. In November 2001, he answered his Father's call, and moved from labor to reward. He is not here with us, but his memory will always be in our presence.

In 2002, we were blessed to have the yard paved.

In 2003, the Lord called two of his faithful soldiers from labor to get their reward. On April 5th, Sister Lillie B. Evans, Mother of the Church and on May 18th, Rev. Henry Leverett, Son of the House. They will remain in our hearts.

In 2004, the church withstood the storms and winds of adversity, yet emerging full sail into the mainstream of Christian stewardship. That year a new bus was purchased to transport worshippers to God's House to magnify and bless His Holy name.

In 2005, Reverend and Mrs. Charles Berry united with us in this Christian Army, to help in spreading God's Holy word. Another financial blessing was bestowed upon us; on June 12th, the debt for the paving of the parking lot was paid in full.

In 2006, the music department was reorganized. A new keyboard and amplifier was purchased. None of the victories could have materialized were it not for God's grace.

In 2007, we were elevated to another spiritual plane. Pastor Leverett and Brother Deon Montgomery taught Saturday computer classes. Our Wednesday evening bible study classes resumed, and Saturday Youth Bible Study organized. The monthly newsletter entitled, ''The Olive Grove Enquirer" was published. The church was blessed with new tables and chairs for the fellowship hall. The church acquired a copy machine, laser printer, scanner, and projection equipment to aid our ministries. Deacon Ben McClattie blessed the church with a handmade prayer request box. A brotherhood breakfast was started on every 1st Sunday. Our "50 State Rally" was dedicated to the memory of our faithful deaconess and trustee, Carrie P. Leverett, whose service and dedication leaves a legacy for all. Blueprints were drawn for the expansion of the church. Trustee Terry Leverett blessed the church by building a storage building. Brothers Deon Montgomery and George Leverett repainted the lines in the parking lot. Because of Deacon Frank Johnson's failing health, Pastor Leverett purchased a recliner for him in the sanctuary.

In 2008, an angel was dispatched and beckoned our devoted and faithful Deacon Daniel P. Stephens from labor to reward. Deacon Stephens was a Sunday school Superintendent, Adult Bible Class Teacher, and Spiritual Advisor. In November, Brothers George Leverett and Deon Montgomery were ordained as deacons. A camera was installed in the sanctuary and monitors in the fellowship hall and the pastor's office. Satellite TV' service was added.

In 2009, the Lord sent Minister Chris Johnson, his wife Armita, and family to us. The Johnsons blessed Olive Grove in many ways and spread the gospel in the community. Minister and Mrs. Johnson taught Sunday school and bible study. They departed due to military reassignment and before leaving, they donated the painting of the Last Supper which now hangs in the fellowship hall. On April 3rd the Lord dispatched an angel and called Deacon Pierce McClattie from labor to reward.

In 2010 & 2011, a new air condition unit and a new roof were installed, the steeple was painted, the heater for the baptismal was replaced and the parking lot resurfaced. New plates honoring the memory of our late Deacons Daniel Stephens and Pierce McClattie were mounted on the deacon's pew. We were blessed to have Minister Nell Stennis to unite with us and serve as minister of music.

In 2012, our membership continues to grow, by baptism, restoration or by Christian experience. Under the leadership of Pastor Leverett, spiritual, financially, and physically growth was evident, but most prominently, Olive Grove Baptist Church is more aware of its specified purpose which Pastor Leverett teaches (Salvation) and it definite focuses (Jesus Christ).

As the shepherd of Olive Grove Baptist Church, Pastor Leverett continues to move us from spiritual infancy to a spiritual maturity and we must be willing to pay the price. In how to "put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep reverence and fear”. For God is working in you, the desire to obey HIM and the power to do what pleases HIM" (Philippians 2: 12-13).

Renovations included but not limited to reorganizing the pew, installation of new carpet, the purchase of a new gas stove, and the ladies lavatories were upgraded.

Restoration of our stained glass windows, a sealant was added for protection and weatherization. Electrical wiring was added to our existing storage building.

The first BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST was systematized with Columbia County Pastors.

The church initiated Saturday church for our youth ... and several field expeditions were incorporated by our Director, Pamela Montgomery. Several excursions were made including but not limited to Fort Gordon Bowling, Splash in the Borough, also to Lake Murray, S.C. to see" A Man Called -Jesus".

Transformation of the vestibule was also completed due from water damaged that attacked the Church" and the ladies lavatories were retiled.

On behalf of Mother’s Day, each mother was privileged with ''Measuring Spoons of Love" by Pastor Leverett.

In harmony, Pastor Leverett honored our men of the church with Royal Blue ties and pocket squares for Father’s Day.

Pastor Leverett initiated candlelight communion on the 2nd Sunday in December.

On December 17, 2012 another devoted Deacon was called from labor to his reward, Deacon Frank Johnson Sr.

In 2013 & 2014, with many prayers and blessings, the Male Chorus was organized and the choir was reorganized, with Minister of Music, Camron Bucknor, which brought new sounds, rhythm and beats. He has hosted several Choir Workshops which was open to the community and neighboring churches.

Much work and efforts in the area of church improvements were made; the sound system, photocopiers, laser printers and duplicating equipment. The Sound System Equipment Room was added to accommodate our Media and production for recording services. A telephone Calling Post System was incorporated to ensure that the congregation receives all pertinent messages. We upgraded the Church software to Servant Keeper 7 to enhance our financial growth.

In November, we were blessed with the Lord directing Rev. James Murray to us. He was appointed Son of the House. Rev. Murray assists in many capacities at the church which includes preaching, teaching and singing.

On October 30, 2013, our faithful senior Deacon J. C. Hall was called home to receive his just reward. Deacon Hall served faithfully, so his toiling would not be in vain. His golden name plate was placed on the first front pew, along with the other deceased deacons.

Saturday meetings of the Brotherhood Ministry, was organized with men of all ages coming together, especially for the purpose of being mentors for the younger men and how to be men in their home and in the church.

Ladies In Fellowship Together Ministry, known as L.I.F.T. was organized. L.I.F.T brought women in the community and surrounding area to the church, to talk woman to woman on all issues and especially learn the word of God.

Our spiritual growth continues via Sunday School, Bible Study and other Christian Educational Teachings from our Pastor and the 10th District Christian Education Ministry. This year has truly been a blessed time for our church family and we have accomplished many things together, spiritually and financially.

In 2014 & 2015
Vision for Olive Grove Baptist Church came about 2014. Began with asking each member to pledge $1,000.00 in a year. The vision is to expand the fellowship hall that will also include enlarging the Pastor’s Study, and administration office by providing easier access between fellowship hall, administration office and pastor’s study. This will also include space for classrooms, bookshelf section (to be name Daniel Stephens). The church completed a new sound room and will be updated for a technical person to create slides, scriptures & bottom lines to be shown on monitors in the sanctuary and fellowship hall.

In November 2014, Brother Brian Muse was ordained as deacon.

Our Church is continually growing physically while seeking God’s guidance. We solicit your prayers that we will continue to grow through the preaching, teaching and application of the Word of God, for we are determined to wait on the Lord for all the Blessings He has in store for us.

How To Reach Us

  •  6227 Columbia Road
    Appling, Georgia 30802 MAP
  •   Office (706) 541-0892
  •   Fax (706) 541-0876
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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